It was a seven years project funded by Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and implemented by Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) through its Health Department in Catholic Dioceses of Kigoma, Shinyanga and Lindi from 2011 to 2017. The services provided by the project included education and vocational training, family economic strengthening, health and nutrition, psychosocial, social and spiritual care, shelter, education on stigma and discrimination as well legal services/child protection specifically prevention of Gender Based Violence amongst community members. The programmes provided care and treatment services, retention, tracking lost to follow up. However, 317 PLHIV economic strengthening groups were formed and facilitated with economic strengthening education, capital and all the requirements for management of the groups to ensure families’ sustainability.
More than 11,000 pupils and students were enrolled in both primary, secondary and vocational trainings.
More so, the project used trained 181 community Based HIV/AIDS Services providers on economic strengthening, nutrition, stigma and discrimination, referrals for community Based HIV/AIDS Services providers volunteer and assist the projects at the community level.
Bellow are the pictures showing different economic strengthening activities implemented by the project in Kigoma, Shinyanga and Lindi Regions. The activities aimed at boosting family economic base to improve their nutrition status as well as fulfilling educational and health needs.
TEC staff and District Social Welfare in Kasulu District inspecting houses built by the project for some of the Orphans and vulnerable families in Kigoma Region as part of care and support