The Bishop of Iringa Catholic Diocese Rt. Rev. Tarcisius Ngalalekumtwa has stressed the need for the Church and government to invest in education for children and youth as assets for the future of society.
“The Church in Africa and nations shall economically and socially develop if we invest in educating our own people to acquire different skills instead of importing skills from abroad,” Bishop Ngalalekumtwa said during a recent celebration of 100-year Jubilee of Lyalamo primary school owned by the Sisters of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus in Iringa Catholic Diocese.
The Bishop explained to hundreds of the congregants who gathered at the Parish of The Secret Heart of Jesus Tosamaganga that, quality education is a treasure of great value while promoting social cohesion and reducing inequality.
It exposes individuals to diverse perspectives, cultures, and values, fostering understanding and respect for others.
“Education and profession is not optional anymore, it is obligatory responsibility for parents, church and government to children and youth,” the Local Ordinary of Iringa parish narrated adding that it is a fundamental right of every individual and it is the foundation of a prosperous and successful society.
That is why today we have gathered here to thank God for all those who started this school which aims not only to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in life but also enable them to contribute to their communities in meaningful ways,” said bishop Ngalalekumtwa .
He thanked the founders of Lyalamo primary school and the Sisters of the Sisters of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus in his diocese who took over and now they are celebrating 100 years.
“Be blessed all those who are engaged in careers, upbringing, and development of children and youth who are the guardians and parents and leaders of the nation and the church of tomorrow,” he said.
In addition, he said that the Church is a mother and a teacher whose mission is to empower the next generation through education ensuring that they can tackle the challenges of tomorrow.
He further noted that when the Church builds a school, its primary goal is to raise human beings to live with care and fear of God by keeping his commandments, his instructions, his principles, his truths, his laws, his procedures, his taboos, and his prohibitions.
“Many young people around the world still lack access to quality education. This is particularly true in developing countries where poverty, conflict, and discrimination limit access to education. In these contexts, empowering youth through education is particularly critical to breaking the cycle of poverty and promoting social and economic development,” he explained.
Brief history of Lyalamo Primary School
Lyalamo Primary School was officially established on 30.8.1923, by the servant of God Fransisko Cagliero with the aim of helping girls who were married at a young age according to local traditions and customs of Iringa at those time. He wanted girls to get quality education so that they can get education and training for their future life.
The girls were able not only to get vocational training such as cooking, sewing, laundry, horticulture and animal husbandry and also to help orphans who were captured from various places including the center that raised Infants which is currently known as the Tosamaganga Orphanage Center.
Another goal is to help underprivileged children, who come from difficult rural environments, and disabled whose parents were not able to give their children the right to education.
They helped children abandoned by their parents.
In addition, considering the vision of the school which is to strengthen obedience, hard work, trust and learning effectively to get a better education. Students have been able to be raised morally.
Students are being brought up in integral formation by sharing the teachings they get in religious sessions and receiving the sacraments ..
The Headteachers who led Lyalamo primary school since it was established are Sr. Clementina Cristino from the year (1923-1957), Sr. Remegia (1957-1962) Sr. Adolfina (1962-1969) Sr. Sarafiana Kibasa (1969-1980) Sr. Laurensia Nyakunga (1980-1986) Sr. Barbelina Mhagala (1987-1998) Sr. Argentina Mtatifikolo (1998-2006) Sr. Carmelita Tossi (2006-2019) and currently Sr. Clementina Msungu from 2019 until now.